
“I slept like a baby last night Teffi ♥️ my arm feels sooo much better this morning it’s crazy. I’m absolutely still taking it easy this week but it’s crazy how much less sore it is now. Thank you so much. Literally! I slept so great, had a silly, relaxing dream, woke up with only a slight tenderness to my arm and it feels stronger and more mobile. Like genuinely a night and day difference!”


"My first reiki session with Teffi was phenomenal. She prepared me with what to expect and made the setting of her workspace very comfortable. I immediately felt energy moving through my body and could feel her focus being put all on me. My favorite part was the "reading" she gave me afterwards, of what she felt comig through during our session. She is pure magic."


“I saw Teffi working on other people and wanted to ask for a session but was self-conscious for various reasons. One being I didn't want to take from people who probably needed her services more than me and another that I've attempted to get that kind of treatment before, only to be told I'm hard to reach or "so strong" and "just fine!" Which always made me feel distant and cut off from other people. But as soon as she started, I could tell I wasn't going to hear more of that. Teffi took great care of me and I felt vulnerable and safe in her energy. I hope to have access to her services again and cannot recommend her enough, especially to anyone who is unsure if deserve that level of love and care.”


“Teffi was amazing. I have never done reiki before but she made the environment very comfortable throughout the process. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but she was able to read my energy like 100%. Like detailed bitch. The next few days I had a much clearer head space to be able to handle the information.

I will definitely be going back to work through my energy. Energy is everything and I feel like this has and will help me get to my best self.

Thank you Teffi 🙏❤️”


“Thank youuu 🥰 that was so lovely and I think my kitties definitely felt it. When it started they both fell asleep on either side of me and just before you texted me that you were done they got up and moved. Definitely felt all the warmth move through me and have that warm tingle through my body still.”

Ashley (Distance Reiki)